Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sanwiches de Pollo

Yes I spelled sanwich (pronounced san-weeech) correctly. On Saturday, my host mom Rosa, had to go to a meeting before the encampamento. Time slipped up on her and when we were eating breakfast she sighed, and said "I forgot to make your sandwiches for a snack." The chicken is in the pot. I told her that I could try to make them. She kind of looked at me, thinking about it. I said how hard can it be...sanwiches de pollo con sabor gringa!! Rosa laughed and agreed, thanking me for my help. So this was the second time I have cooked in Peru. Slowly I am working my way up to head chef, and getting to use the big wooden spoon. There was pan Ayacuchano or chapla which is also called pan Arabe. It is like a thinner version of pita bread and is unique to Ayacucho. It is flavored with Anis seed (think liqcorice).
Then lettuce which Rosa had washed, as well as mayonaise (remember they put it on everything here!!). Then there was the chicken. I lifted the lid on the pot to take a look. Rosa said it needed ten more minutes. Okay, it had been ten minutes. There was no deli counter at the local Piggly Wiggly. There was a whole chicken in the pot, that I had to debone and pull the meat off of to make my "sanwiches de pollo" come to fruition. So I did, and I am not bragging or anything...well yes I am....those sandwiches were pretty darn fabulous. I could eat another. Feel free to contact your local Department of Deliciousness (i.e. - ME) for the recipie.

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