Monday, May 24, 2010

Want to Help Right Now?

Hello friends, relatives, and perfect strangers -
As you know at the end of August I will be headed to spend a year living simply and accompanying the people of Peru.
I must admit to being rather excited.
The challenges will be great, I will be along way from home, but the insight gained, the experience of doing mission in partnership, the chance to be a part of the connectional nature of the Presbyterian Church, and the patience of continuing to learn how to BE moreso than DO while I build relationships with my neighbors in Peru will be worth the sacrifice.
If this sounds really great to you perhaps you are wondering how you can help me.
I have learned over my short lifetime that there are various kinds of people needed to do mission work whether it is on the local, national, or international level.
Those are first the people who go, then there are the communities who send, next are those who pray for the one's who have been sent, and finally there are those who do not feel compelled to go or simply are unable, but they want to offer their financial support.
I would be honored to have you pray for me while I am in Peru. Please pray for my safety, the people of Peru who will accept me into their homes, churches, and hearts, and for my family and those who will miss me (and I them) while I am gone.
Finally, if you would like to make a contribution to help me reach my fundraising goal of $9,000 please click on the link below and find my name listed under Peru.
Your contribution, no matter how big or how small will go to help with airline travel, visas, and a small stipend for food and travel while I am living in Peru.
**As always your contributions are tax deductible**
If the US Postal service is more your style send a check to -
PC(USA) P.O. Box 643700 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
please put my name and ECO # - E210801 in the memo line

Invited to Serve in Peru

At the end of August I will board a plane bound for Lima, Peru (South America).
I will spend a year living and working alongside of our partners in mission there.
The PC(USA)'s Program Partner in Peru is Uniendo Manos Contra la Pobreza
(the Peru Joining Hands Network)
Volunteers are placed through the Uniendo Manos Contra la Pobreza, the Peru Joining Hands Network who's desire is to address the root causes of pover­ty, and is what pulls the 12 non-profit and ecumenical Peruvian institutions in the Peru Joining Hands Network together. Each institution has its own work in different communities in Peru, but together they do advocacy in environmental justice, economic devel­opment and human rights.

What is the Young Adult Volunteers Program?

The Young Adult Volunteer Program offers exciting opportunities in Christian service and learning for young adults (19 to 30 years of age.) The Young Adult Volunteer Program has 16 sites in the United States and abroad, and requires a commitment of one academic year. Young Adult Volunteers serve in communities of need.
The job descriptions for the volunteers depend both on the needs of our partners and the skills of the Young Adult Volunteer. In their placements, volunteers work with a church or organization as well as develop Christian community and meet regularly for prayer, Bible study and participate in vocation discernment with other Young Adult Volunteers.
Although specific activities and information are particular to each unique site, all volunteers will receive on-site orientation, work closely with mentors in the program and have an opportunity to integrate the experience at an end-of-term conference. Partial payment of outstanding student loans may be available for qualified applicants. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), you and your supporting congregation(s) and presbytery share funding of this program.
The Program was developed with several goals in mind:
(1)To experience living in intentional Christian community — Whether or not the young adults live under the same roof, they explore what it means to be a Christian community.
(2)To focus on spiritual formation — Through the mentorship of site coordina­tors and fellow interns, young adults reflect on their experiences and ex­plore their relationship to the church and their ministry in a broken world.
(3)To engage young adults in the church’s mission — The church seeks to pro­vide opportunities for young adults to serve the church and their communi­ties. Young adults experience and develop leadership within communities of faith. With training and support, they can provide leadership in the mission field in the Presbyterian Church and in the ecumenical church.
(4)To assist YAVs in vocation discernment.
(5)To be present in communities of need and to facilitate young adults’ engagement in communities of need.