Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Role with PyE - Ayacucho

My work with PyE will center around the areas of communications and the area of mental health. With Omar and Carol I will be the third person in communications. My job is to help PyE stay connected with local churches, their pastors, and the youth. PyE is trying to work with the youth (remember that youth in Peru is roughly 14-35) of the churches. PyE feels like right now they have the most open minds about expanding the vision of the church to include not only us as individuals and God (reaching up and down), but to reach out and recognize our neighbors, especially those living in poverty or whom lack access to basic neccesities. A majority of the churches in Peru do not want to talk about their neighbors, their tunnel vision seems to keep them focused on their individual relationship with God. So I have my work cut out for me. One neat thing that I think will be helpful is that the juventud in Ayacucho have already begun to organize themselves ecumenically (that means across the board, not just Presbyterians) for worship, study, and fellowship. They have created a group called the Fraternity of Young Chrisitians. The oldest child in my host family, Cheridad, is involved in it. I am excited to better get to know this group.
My other work with PyE is in the area of of mental health. I will work with Milagros and Amanda on accompanying women in the barrios and pueblos that were affected by the Violence or the Civil War. Milagros and Amanda's backgrounds are in psychology and therapy. The said they are excited to have me becasue of my accompaniament work in Guatemala, and my work last year as a chaplain in the trauma room and care floors at WFUBMC. They want me to accompany them as often as I can, they go about every two weeks, and to lead a bible reflection, as well assist them with some of their theraputic activities, in addition to just being present.

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