Friday, September 17, 2010

First day at PYE

Today was my first day at Paz y Esperanza or (PyE). Neri, the director met me and we took a taxi to the office. PyE is an NGO that works in Human Rights. I sat with Naomi and she explained the different areas that they work in from Mental health and support to Communication. Today was a big brainstorming session lead by a young woman from outside the NGO. She lead us in a discussion and session of trying to bridge ideas and reality with our projects. It was a great discussion, full of a lot of missiological concepts that can apply across cultures. She said ideas are great, but you need to do some diagnostic work on the ground first to see if your idea is feasible or necessary in this community. Her focus was "What is the reality of the gente or people of this community?" I have heard this before, and was glad to be hearing it again. It involves listening and observing in a location that you want to help instead of pressing your ideas and desires to be helpful. What do they want and need? Is the area secure? This must be addressed becasue of the violent past of some of the pueblos in this area, from the Shining Path to drug trafficing. The discussion began to focus itself. It was good to be a part of this on my first day and watch the people at PyE work.

The big thing that they, and most Peruvians that I encounter want to know is "Are you married or single." If you are single they immediately want to know when I am getting married or if I am looking for a boyfriend. It is usually a bantor that draws a lot of laughs.

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