Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking for the Trigo de Mi Pan

Yesterday was Valentine´s Day in the United States and I am sure that FTD, Brachman-Whitman candies, and Hallmark were rolling in the profits. Here in Peru it was also Valentine´s Day, but they call it Dia de Amor y Amistad (they mention it is honor of San Valentìn) so it is more than just love for that special someone you are enamored with, it is also for friendship, so many groups of friends gathered together to celebrate. Of course there were a couple of tiendas with over size bears that say ¨Te Amo and Yo Quiero¨, but in Ayacucho, Peru (in the Andes Mountains) atleast it was sort of low key on the pounder bags of red and white M&M´s and the life size Hershey´s Kisses. Oh! You can buy a dozen roses here in the market everyday (very inexpensively), not just February 14th.
At Paz Y Esperanza we began Monday´s as always, with our devotional and singing. We seemed to sing all of the Amor y Amistad songs from our chorario or hymnbook. Even a rousing version of Eres Tù. For those of you who have seen the movie Tommy Boy...when David Spade and Chris Farley are driving in the delapitated convertible, singing every song that comes on the radio to celebrate selling the brakepads...you know what I am talking about:
Eres Tù
Como una promesa eres tù, eres tù, eres tù, como una mañana de verano;
como una sonrisa eres tù, eres tù asì, asì, eres tù.
Todo mi esperanza eres tù, eres tù, como lluvia fresca en mis manos; como fuerte brisa, eres tù, eres tù asì, asì, eres tù.
Eres tù, como el agua de mi fuente; eres tù, el fuego de mi hogar, eres tù, como el fuego de mi hoguera eres tù, el trigo de mi pan.
Todo mi poema eres tù, eres tù, como una guitarra en la noche; todo mi horizante eres tù, eres tù, asì, asì, eres tù.
So at Paz Y Esperanza we started Monday in our usual way and then had cake and chips in honor of the birthdays of our compañeros and amigos, Raùl and Honorato. Later, yesterday at the Sulca-Tucno House, Rosa had invited some of Sheridad`s friends over for the evening to play dinamicas and eat sopa de gallina and masamora. It was sort of fun. I learned some new dinamicas to play and also stumped them with the human knot, as it takes patience to figure out. It was a fun night though, because the lights went out and we played games for a little while in the dark. We also instituted the ¨Su silla se Quema¨ rule. If someone says that then everyone in the room must jump up and change places. AHHH!! Good times.
So I hope that you all went out and found or spent time with the ¨Trigo de su Pan¨ The Wheat of your Bread) or the one(s) that you love.

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