Sunday, October 3, 2010

Introducing the Sulca-Tucno Kids

These are the kids in my family. Sulca is Habacuc's name and Tucno is Rosa's name. So here are the Sulca-Tucno kids:

Penuel is in the 5th grade and loves transformers, cars, and yogis - the street food that is most like a corn dog. He is very good at sharing, with everyone except Eunice.

Eunice is in the second grade and loves to harass Penuel (well they do a good job together) and likes her braids, but hates having her hair brushed, and loves ice cream.

Sherida is the oldest. She is in the tenth grade. She will turn 15 in December so she is excited about having her quincinera party. She is very active in her church youth group as a leader, and the Fraternity of Christian Youth, which is an ecumenical youth group in Ayacucho. She likes English class and History. Her mom told me she wants to be an exchange student somewhere or travel to another country to work with children affected by HIV/AIDS crisis.

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